Corporación Masaveu has 10 car park concessions and directly owns another, offering a total of over 5,000 parking spaces in Asturias, Cataluña, Galicia, Cantabria and Andalucía. Most of the car parks are underground and situated in hospitals, city centres and main shopping areas, in order to provide users with the best service possible.
Car Parks

- Parking Barcelos – Pontevedra
- Parking Plaza del Rey – Vigo
- Parking La Escandalera – Oviedo
- Parking Plaza de España – Ferrol
- Parking Plaza del Cantón – Ferrol
- Parking Roma 2000 – Barcelona
- Parking Hospital del Vall D’Hebron – Barcelona
- Parking Jesús del Monasterio – Santander
- Parking Plaza Numancia – Santander
- Parking Hospital de Valdecilla – Santander
- Parking Hospital Virgen del Rocio – Sevilla